Community Service

Fall 2021 – Spring 2022 Events

Tie Blanket Event

The tie blanket making was an absolute success! We had about 25 women attend, which meant we did not have enough scissors for everyone, but those that didn’t have scissors started tying. Within half an hour, nearly all 10 blankets were done! There was lots of chatter as people introduced themselves, and lots of smiles as everyone finished the blankets!

Capital Science and Engineering Fair 

The Capital Science and Engineering Fair was full of bright young minds who have spent hours on research and experiments. SWE partnered with CSEF to host this fair at the Madison Public Library, where these high school students could present their findings to judges and the public. A couple of lucky students have even advanced to the National Science and Engineering Fair!

Red Cross SWE Blood Drive

A very successful blood drive! Between members donating time and community members donating blood, the event ran smoothly and we collected 116% of our goal!

Card Making 

AOE Cake Wars & Food Drive

Lakeshore Preserve 

Meet the 2022 Community Service Officer!

Greta Scheidt

My name is Greta Scheidt, I’m a junior studying Biomedical Engineering, and I am the 2022-23 Community Service Officer for the UW-Madison section of the Society of Women Engineers (SWE). Many people often feel like they don’t have the power to make a difference, but there are so many meaningful ways to raise awareness and make an impact just by giving time. I’m so excited to introduce you to a few ways to support organizations in our local community! Don’t hesitate to reach out if you are interested in becoming involved.

Learn More About Greta!


Spring 2020 Events

Tie Blanket Event

“SWE had an awesome time making tie blankets through the Linus Project for children who have been in the hospital for an extended period of time”

Capital Science and Engineering Fair 

We had the awesome opportunity to help organize and provide volunteers for the Capital Science and Engineering Fair at Madison Public Library! We got the chance to take a look at all the neat research projects that high school students from the Madison and Milwaukee areas have worked so hard on.

Red Cross SWE Blood Drive

SWE hosted a Red Cross Blood Drive in the beginning of March which presented an awesome opportunity for students to donate blood and give their time volunteering at the drive!

Fall 2019 Events

Red Cross Blood Drive

On November 5th, SWE hosted an Engineering Blood Drive through Red Cross. We had over 30 donations which can potentially help save up to 90 lives! Be The Match had a table set up outside the event to share information and raise awareness about signing up for the National Bone Marrow Registry. Thank you to everyone who volunteered their time and donated at the Drive

Lakeshore Nature Preserve Volunteering 

Members volunteered at Picnic Point through the Lakeshore Nature Preserve, helping to spread wood chips onto trails and remove invasive buck thorn from the surrounding areas!

Card Making for Hospitalized Kids

As a part of SWE Week, the Community Service Committee made cards for children who have been in the hospital for an extended period of time. Cookies were consumed, creative cards were constructed, and fun memories were made!

Red Cross Blood Drive

Volunteering at the Lakeshore Nature Preserve

Volunteering at the Lakeshore Nature Preserve

Red Cross Blood Drive