Company Involvement

Help us update our Corporate Database!

In an effort to update our records and stay in touch with the most accurate point of contact within your company, we ask that you add your contact information to our Corporate Database by filling out this form. If you are no longer the primary contact for your company and would like to be removed from our Corporate Database, please send an email to

Consider sponsoring our section!

Your funding supports community service, outreach, mentoring, inclusion and diversity and professional development activities. Your company can either be a corporate sponsor by purchasing a package or become a ‘Friend of SWE’ by supporting specific events. If you are interested in our 2024-25 sponsorships, or if you have any questions, feel free to reach out to our VP of External Relations, Melisa Erman, at

Feel free to reach out to our VP of External Relations, Melisa Erman, with any questions at

Corporate Sponsor Packages Details

This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.

Evening With Industry

  • Formal career fair and dinner open to all UW Madison Engineering and Computer Science students
  • Each company gets a table during dinner and students choose what table they sit at
  • Company reps can preview the talent they are likely to see at the career fair


Engineering Future Leaders Camp

  • A one-week camp for high school girls to explore various disciplines, meet other young women with similar interests, and explore the campus
  • Activities include lectures, labs, and tours of UW Engineering amongst others
  • Campers & counselors dine and stay overnight in the Lakeshore dorms

Girl Scout Patch Days

Three per semester

  • Troops spend the day on campus completing a handful of interactive activities to earn a patch
  • This semester’s theme is the microbiome and the human body

Section Meeting

One Meeting Each Month

General organization announcements and information about upcoming events are featured in the first half of the section meeting, and the last thirty minutes company representatives give a presentation about their company and a professional development topic. 

Super Section Meeting

  • Informal, dinner event that gives students a head start on their career fair preparations
  • Students rotate between company tables to ask questions, network and have their resumes reviewed
  • Companies can preview the talent they will be expecting to see at the fall career fair

International Outreach

  • Members plan and execute a two-week-long volunteer trip abroad to promote women’s
    empowerment and STEM
  • Attendees are challenged to enhance their leadership and communication skills as well as gain self-confidence and a global perspective

National and Regional Conferences

  • WE23 (national conference) is in Los Angeles, California in October
  • WELocal (regional conference) is in Detroit, Michigan in March
  • Focus on professional and personal development for members and includes a career fair
  • Contributions would be used to lower travel and hotel expenses

Additional Ways to Support SWE

  • Sponsor our Tech Team’s yearly project
  • Sponsor a scholarship for SWE members to be presented at Evening with Industry
  • Provide a plant tour during the fall or spring semester
  • Host a Professional Development event
  • Sponsor 2 high school students to attend EFL Camp


Evening with Industry 2024
Fall Kickoff 2024!
GE Healthcare Plant Tour

Meet the 2024-25 VP of External Relations!

Meet 2024-25 VP of External Relations
My name is Melisa Erman and I am the Vice President of External Relations for the UW-Madison section of the Society of Women Engineers (SWE). We have many exciting opportunities coming up this semester! I would love to connect with you and share ways that you can get involved with us. If you are interested in involvement with our section, please contact me at

Learn More About Melisa!