Engineering Future Leaders Camp
Engineering Future Leaders Camp is a summer program for aspiring people in STEM. During our week-long session, participants will learn through talks with professors and current engineering students, activities with leaders in the industry, and other team-based, and hands-on programming that is designed to expose and encourage young people to pursue an interest in STEM.
This camp involves year long prep and planning, which culminates in a week long camp in the summer for high schoolers interested in engineering. If you are interested in being a counselor or question about the camp, please reach out.
Community Service
My name is Claudia Beckwith and I am the Community Service Officer for the UW-Madison section of the Society of Women Engineers! SWE has personal and professional development opportunities, socials, service events, and more! SWE is also a great (and really fun way) to interact with others in your major. If you have any questions about SWE or how to join, you can email me at